The old me

The old me
The day I decided to change my life forever. 370lbs was my weight in this picture. I am the 2nd from the left in white.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Brand New Me!

Hey everyone! Thanks for checking out my new blog.

About 6 months ago I decided to change my life forever. I needed to or I would die. Its that simple. I lived a life that revolved around eating. Whatever. Whenever. Without being hungry. I ate because I was bored. I ate because something smelled good. I ate because it looked good. I ate because it made me feel happy. I was eating my life away, 1 meal at a time. I was slowly getting heavier. I was slowly killing myself. I was already dead. I was depressed and tired all of the time. I would eat and take naps. I would take another nap. I would nap before I had to go to work. I would nap instead of walking my dog. I would get up just to eat, and then nap again. I watched myself slowly grow bigger and bigger. My weight was around 370lbs. My shirt size went up to size 6XL. My pants were size 56. I could only shop at Big & Tall for clothes and sometimes I couldn't even fit in all of their stuff. My life was controlled by food.

I work as an entertainer. I love to make people laugh, even if its at my own expense. I used my weight to help me with that. Its so hard keeping a smile on your face when inside there was no such thing as happiness. Inside I cried all of the time. I was miserable.

People don't realize what its like to live as a fat person. I struggled to get out of bed every morning. I couldn't just get up. I would have to roll and shift my body until I got enough momentum to swing myself up. I was tired all the time because I couldn't sleep at night. Back pain and sleep apnea kept me from doing that. Sitting in a chair was a task too because I was worried that I would break them. You know how many of those metal folding chairs I broke because I sat on one side too hard and they slowly bent out of place? Amusement Parks... no way! Cant fit in any of the rides so why go? This is just SOME of the things I went through.

Then I went to a Gabrielle Iglesias comedy show in Atlantic City in August of last year. While at the show I couldn't sit in the great seat I paid for because I was too fat. I was called up on stage because I was one of the biggest people there. That show was the best show I ever went to. Not because he was super funny. It was the best show because that was the place that I decided I would change my life forever. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I no longer wanted to be fat. I wanted to lose the weight and that is exactly what I did.

I had tried every diet in the world and failed every time. I was really considering getting the gastric bypass operation, as dangerous as it was. Then someone turned me on to a program I had never seen before. It was called Isagenix and its what has gotten me to where I am today. 6 months later and over 90lbs gone so far. No operation. Just eating right and exercising. My energy levels have sky rocketed. I am NEVER tired anymore. I can walk like a normal person. I now fit in a size 2XL shirt and my waist size is 44 and getting smaller. The weight is still coming off. I can fit in regular sized chairs now. I can smile because I am truly happy inside. People come up to me and are scared to say hi because they are unsure if its me. Every week people say I am getting smaller and are amazed at how fast I am losing the weight. They call me "The Amazing Shrinking DJ" and tell me "You're half the man you used to be" or "I got rid of a 13 year old boy". I am now an inspiration to people. If I can do it, anyone can. Food no longer controls my life. I am going to experience all the fun things in life for the first time again. I can't wait to get to an amusement park and fit on the rides. This year might be the first year I actually go to a beach and walk around with my shirt off. I'm a new me and getting better every day.

I am now alive again. I can now live my life the way it was meant to live. Im alive.